Do you want to upgrade to it=╒ε≈σ≥σ ΓΦΩεφα≥Φ εßφεΓδσφφ Σε φσ┐
Ready to update=├ε≥εΓΦΘ Σε εßφεΓδσφφ
Local Folder=╠i±÷σΓα ∩α∩Ωα
Software Update=╬ßφεΓδσφφ ∩≡επ≡α∞Φ
Downloading %s=╟αΓαφ≥αµσφφ %s
Update Description=╬∩Φ± εßφεΓδσφφ
Update Comment=╩ε∞σφ≥α≡ εßφεΓδσφφ
Update Type=╥Φ∩ εßφεΓδσφφ
Product Description=╬∩Φ± ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥≤
Product Copyright=└Γ≥ε≡±ⁿΩi ∩≡αΓα φα ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥
Product Comment=╩ε∞σφ≥α≡ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥≤
Preview version - Only for testing purposes=╧ε∩σ≡σΣφ Γσ≡±i - ╥iδⁿΩΦ Σδ ≥σ±≥≤Γαφφ
Beta release=┴σ≥α-Γσ≡±i
Final release=╬±≥α≥ε≈φα Γσ≡±i
// report wizard
Report wizard=╠αΘ±≥σ≡ τΓi≥iΓ
Remote Report wizard=╠αΘ±≥σ≡ Γ│ΣΣαδσφΦ⌡ τΓ│≥│Γ
Quick Report=╪ΓΦΣΩΦΘ τΓi≥
Remote Report=┬│ΣΣαδσφΦΘ τΓ│≥
Command-line=╩ε∞αφΣφΦΘ ≡ ΣεΩ
Welcome to the Report wizard=┬α± Γi≥α║ ╠αΘ±≥σ≡ τΓi≥iΓ!
This wizard will help you to create a report of your computer.=╟ Θεπε Σε∩ε∞επε■ ΓΦ τ∞εµσ≥σ ±≥Γε≡Φ≥Φ τΓi≥ ∩≡ε Γα° Ωε∞∩'■≥σ≡.
After completing this wizard you can print the report, save it to file or send it in e-mail.=╧│±δ ταΓσ≡°σφφ ÷ⁿεπε ∞αΘ±≥≡α ┬Φ ∞εµσ≥σ Σ≡≤Ω≤Γα≥Φ ∩εΓ│Σε∞δσφφ , τßσ≡│πα≥Φ Θεπε Σε ⌠αΘδ≤ ≈Φ ∩ε±Φδα≥Φ σδσΩ≥≡εφφε■ ∩ε°≥ε■.
Please try to minimize the information you choose to include in the report, to avoid generating huge reports.=┴≤Σⁿ-δα±Ωα, ±∩≡εß≤Θ≥σ ∞│φ│∞│τ≤Γα≥Φ │φ⌠ε≡∞α÷│■, Ω≤ ┬Φ ΓΦßΦ≡α║≥σ Σδ ΓΩδ■≈σφφ Σε τΓ│≥≤, ∙εß ≤φΦΩα≥Φ πσφσ≡≤Γαφφ ΓσδΦ≈στφΦ⌡ τΓ│≥│Γ.
You can help the development by sending report files of various computers to the author:=┬Φ ∞εµσ≥σ Σε∩ε∞απα≥Φ ≡ετΓΦ≥Ω≤ ∩≡επ≡α∞Φ, φαΣ±Φδα■≈Φ ⌠αΘδΦ τΓ│≥≤ ≡│τφΦ⌡ Ωε∞∩'■≥σ≡│Γ αΓ≥ε≡≤:
To make sure you don't include personal or confidential information in the reports sent to the author, you should choose the profile called "Hardware-related pages".=┘εß ≤∩σΓφΦ≥Φ± , ∙ε ┬Φ φσ ΓΩδ■≈α║≥σ ∩σ≡±εφαδⁿφ≤ ≈Φ Ωεφ⌠│Σσφ÷│Θφ≤ │φ⌠ε≡∞α÷│■ Γ τΓ│≥, ∩ε±δαφΦΘ αΓ≥ε≡≤, ┬Φ ∩εΓΦφφ│ ΓΦß≡α≥Φ Ωεφ⌠│π≤≡α÷│■ "╤≥ε≡│φΩΦ τ α∩α≡α≥φΦ∞Φ τα±εßα∞Φ".
Report Profiles=╧≡ε⌠iδi τΓi≥iΓ
Please choose a desired report layout profile:=┬Φßσ≡i≥ⁿ ∩ε≥≡ißφΦΘ ∩≡ε⌠iδⁿ τΓi≥≤:
Measure CPU performance using the classic queen problem solution on a 10x10 chessboard=┬Φ∞│≡ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥│ ╓╧, ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤■≈Φ Ωδα±Φ≈φσ ≡│°σφφ "∩≡εßδσ∞Φ Ωε≡εδσΓΦ" φα °α⌡│ΓφΦ÷│ 10⌡10
Measure CPU performance using several 2D image processing algorithms=┬Φ∞│≡ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥│ ╓╧, ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤■≈Φ ΣσΩ│δⁿΩα αδπε≡Φ≥∞│Γ εß≡εßΩΦ 2D-τεß≡αµσφⁿ
Measure CPU performance using ZLib file compression=┬Φ∞│≡ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥│ ╓╧, ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤■≈Φ ±≥Φ±Ω ⌠αΘδ│Γ ZLib
Measure CPU performance using AES data encryption=┬Φ∞│≡ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥│ ╓╧, ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤■≈Φ ΩεΣ≤Γαφφ ΣαφΦ⌡ AES
Measure single precision floating point performance using Julia fractal=┬Φ∞│≡ τ│ τΓΦ≈αΘφε■ ≥ε≈φ│±≥■ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥│ ∩δαΓα■≈ε┐ ≥ε≈ΩΦ, ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤■≈Φ ⌠≡αΩ≥αδ ─µ≤δ│
Measure double precision floating point performance using Mandelbrot fractal=┬Φ∞│≡ τ ∩εΣΓ│Θφε■ ≥ε≈φ│±≥■ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥│ ∩δαΓα■≈ε┐ ≥ε≈ΩΦ, ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤■≈Φ ⌠≡αΩ≥αδ ╠αφΣσδⁿß≡ε≥
Measure extended precision floating point performance using a custom Julia fractal=┬Φ∞│≡ τ ΓΦ±εΩε■ ≥ε≈φ│±≥■ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥│ ∩δαΓα■≈ε┐ ≥ε≈ΩΦ, ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤■≈Φ φαδα°≥εΓαφΦΘ ⌠≡αΩ≥αδ ─µ≤δ│
Measure floating point performance using complex 2D image processing algorithms=┬Φ∞│≡ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥│ ∩δαΓα■≈ε┐ ≥ε≈ΩΦ τ ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥αφφ ∞ Ωε∞∩δσΩ±≤ αδπε≡Φ≥∞│Γ εß≡εßΩΦ 2D-τεß≡αµσφⁿ
Most 3D games run better with at least 256 KB L2 cache.=┴iδⁿ°i±≥ⁿ 3D-iπε≡ ∩≡α÷■■≥ⁿ Ω≡α∙σ ∩≡Φ Ωσ°-∩ ∞` ≥│ Σ≡≤πεπε ≡iΓφ φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 256 ╩ßαΘ≥.
Modern 3D games may require at least 1 GHz CPU.=─δ ßαπα≥ⁿε⌡ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπε≡ ∩ε≥≡ißφε ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡ τ ≈α±≥ε≥ε■ φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 1 ├π÷.
For optimum performance, Windows 9x requires at least 100 MHz CPU.=─δ ßiδⁿ°-∞σφ° Ωε∞⌠ε≡≥φε┐ ≡εßε≥Φ Γ Windows 9x ∩ε≥≡ißφε ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡ τ ≈α±≥ε≥ε■ φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 100 ╠π÷.
For optimum performance, Windows 2000+ requires at least 300 MHz CPU.=─δ ßiδⁿ°-∞σφ° Ωε∞⌠ε≡≥φε┐ ≡εßε≥Φ Γ Windows 2000+ ∩ε≥≡ißφε ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡ τ ≈α±≥ε≥ε■ φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 300 ╠π÷.
MMX is not supported.=MMX φσ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± .
SSE is not supported. Upgrade your CPU to speed up applications optimized for SSE.=SSE φσ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± . ┘εß ∩iΣΓΦ∙Φ≥Φ °ΓΦΣΩi±≥ⁿ ≡εßε≥Φ ΣεΣα≥ΩiΓ, ε∩≥Φ∞│τεΓαφΦ⌡ Σδ iφ±≥≡≤Ω÷iΘ SSE, τα∞iφ│≥ⁿ ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡ φα ßiδⁿ° ±≤≈α±φ│°ΦΘ.
Less than 3 memory slots detected. Expanding system memory may become difficult.=┬Φ Γδσφε ∞σφ°σ ≥≡ⁿε⌡ ≡ετΘε∞│Γ Σδ ∞εΣ≤δiΓ ∩α∞' ≥i. ╨ετ°Φ≡σφφ ±Φ±≥σ∞φε┐ ∩α∞' ≥i ∞εµσ ß≤≥Φ ±ΩδαΣφΦ∞.
You have less than 32 MB system memory installed.=╙ ±Φ±≥σ∞i Γ±≥αφεΓδσφΦΘ ∞σφ° φ│µ 32 ╠ßαΘ≥ ╬╟╙.
Modern operating systems require at least 128 MB system memory for optimum performance.=─δ ßiδⁿ°-∞σφ° Ωε∞⌠ε≡≥φε┐ ≡εßε≥Φ ±≤≈α±φΦ∞ ε∩σ≡α÷iΘφΦ∞ ±Φ±≥σ∞α∞ φσεß⌡iΣφε φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 128 ╠ßαΘ≥ ╬╟╙.
3D games may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=─δ ε∩≥Φ∞αδⁿφε┐ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥i Σσ ΩΦ∞ 3D-iπ≡α∞ ∩ε≥≡ißφε φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 256 ╠ßαΘ≥ ±Φ±≥σ∞φε┐ ∩α∞' ≥i.
Server functions may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=─δ ε∩≥Φ∞αδⁿφε┐ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥i ±σ≡Γσ≡φΦ∞ ⌠≤φΩ÷i ∞ ∞εµσ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± φσ ∞σφ° φ│µ 256 ╠ßαΘ≥ ±Φ±≥σ∞φε┐ ∩α∞' ≥i.
Install more system memory to improve applications performance.=┘εß ∩iΣΓΦ∙Φ≥Φ °ΓΦΣΩi±≥ⁿ ≡εßε≥Φ ΣεΣα≥ΩiΓ, τßiδⁿ°│≥ⁿ εß± π ±Φ±≥σ∞φε┐ ∩α∞' ≥i.
Motherboard chipset cannot cache the whole system memory.=╫│∩±σ≥ ±Φ±≥σ∞φε┐ ∩δα≥Φ φσ τΣα≥φΦΘ Ωσ°≤Γα≥Φ ≤±■ ±Φ±≥σ∞φ≤ ∩α∞' ≥ⁿ.
External cache is asynchronous.=╟εΓφi°φiΘ Ωσ° -- α±Φφ⌡≡εφφΦΘ.
External cache is disabled.=╟εΓφi°φiΘ Ωσ° ΓiΣΩδ■≈σφΦΘ.
Slow memory (FPM / EDO / BEDO) detected. Upgrade to SDRAM or RDRAM if possible.=┬Φ Γδσφα ∩α∞' ≥ⁿ ∩εΓiδⁿφεπε ≥Φ∩≤ (FPM / EDO / BEDO). ╧ε ∞εµδΦΓε±≥i τα∞iφΦ≥σ ┐┐ φα SDRAM ≈Φ RDRAM.
Modern 3D games require fast memory (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).=─δ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπε≡ ∩ε≥≡ißφε °ΓΦΣΩα ∩α∞' ≥ⁿ (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).
AGP is disabled.=AGP ΓiΣΩδ■≈σφΦΘ.
AGP aperture size is more than half of the system memory size.=╨ετ∞i≡ α∩σ≡≥≤≡Φ AGP ∩σ≡σΓσ≡°≤║ ∩εδεΓΦφ≤ εß± π≤ ±Φ±≥σ∞φε┐ ∩α∞' ≥i.
Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported.=╧ε≥ε≈φα °ΓΦΣΩi±≥ⁿ AGP ∞σφ°α, φiµ ∞αΩ±Φ∞αδⁿφε ∞εµδΦΓα.
System BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=╤Φ±≥σ∞φεΦ≤ BIOS ≤µσ ßiδⁿ°σ ΣΓε⌡ ≡εΩiΓ. ╧≡Φ φσεß⌡iΣφε±≥i εßφεΓ│≥ⁿ Θεπε.
Video BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=BIOS ΓiΣσεαΣα∩≥σ≡α Γµσ ßiδⁿ°σ ΣΓε⌡ ≡εΩiΓ. ╧≡Φ φσεß⌡iΣφε±≥i εßφεΓ│≥ⁿ Θεπε.
Only 1 CPU installed, you should change to uniprocessor HAL.=╙±≥αφεΓδσφε ≥iδⁿΩΦ εΣΦφ ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡, Γα≡≥ε τ∞iφΦ≥Φ HAL φα εΣφε∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡φΦΘ.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 2000+. Consider upgrading to it.=┬α°α ±Φ±≥σ∞α ∩iΣ⌡εΣΦ≥ⁿ Σδ ≡εßε≥Φ τ Windows 2000+. ╧εΣ≤∞αΘ≥σ ∩≡ε ∩σ≡σ⌡iΣ φα φεΓ≤ ╬╤.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 98/Me. Consider upgrading to it.=┬α°α ±Φ±≥σ∞α ∩iΣ⌡εΣΦ≥ⁿ Σδ ≡εßε≥Φ τ Windows 98/Me. ╧εΣ≤∞αΘ≥σ ∩≡ε ∩σ≡σ⌡iΣ φα φεΓ≤ ╬╤.
Service Pack is outdated. Service Pack 5+ is recommended under Windows NT.=╧αΩσ≥ εßφεΓδσφⁿ τα±≥α≡iΓ. ─δ ≡εßε≥Φ τ Windows NT ≡σΩε∞σφΣ≤║≥ⁿ± ≤±≥αφεΓΦ≥Φ Service Pack 5+.
Windows is now running for more than 10 days. Restart may improve performance.=Windows ßστ≤∩Φφφε ∩≡α÷■║ ßiδⁿ°σ 10 ΣφiΓ. »┐ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφi±≥ⁿ ∞εµσ τ≡ε±≥Φ ∩i±δ ∩σ≡σταΓαφ≥αµσφφ .
Internet Explorer is outdated. Version 5.0 or later is recommended.=Internet Explorer τα±≥α≡iΓ. ╨σΩε∞σφΣ≤║≥ⁿ± ≤±≥αφεΓΦ≥Φ Γσ≡±i■ 5.0 ≈Φ φεΓ│°σ.
DirectX not found. Modern applications and games require it.=═σ ΓΦ Γδσφε Σ≡αΘΓσ≡Φ DirectX. ┬εφΦ ΓΦ∞απα■≥ⁿ± Σδ ßαπα≥ⁿε⌡ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ ΣεΣα≥ΩiΓ i iπε≡.
DirectX is outdated. Modern games may require DirectX 7+.=─≡αΘΓσ≡Φ DirectX τα±≥α≡iδΦ. ─δ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ iπε≡ ∩ε≥≡ißφε DirectX 7 i φεΓ│°σ.
Less than 4 MB video memory found. Upgrade your video card for better performance.=┬Φ Γδσφε ∞σφ° φ│µ 4 ╠ßαΘ≥ ΓiΣσε∩α∞' ≥i. ─δ Ω≡α∙ε┐ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ΦΓφε±≥i τα∞iφ│≥ⁿ ±ΓiΘ ΓiΣσεαΣα∩≥σ≡ φα ßiδⁿ° ±Φδⁿφ│°ΦΘ.
Modern 3D games may require at least 32 MB video memory.=╤≤≈α±φΦ∞ iπ≡α∞ ∩ε≥≡ißφε φσ ∞σφ°σ 32 ╠ßαΘ≥ ΓiΣσε∩α∞' ≥i.
Increase color depth for better visual quality.=─δ ∩iΣΓΦ∙σφφ Γiτ≤αδⁿφε┐ Ωε±≥i τßiδⁿ°│≥ⁿ πδΦßΦφ≤ Ωεδⁿε≡≤.
Some applications may run better in 32-bit color mode.=─σ Ωi ΣεΣα≥ΩΦ ∩≡α÷■■≥ⁿ Ω≡α∙σ Γ ≡σµΦ∞i 32-≡ετ≡ Σφεπε ∩≡σΣ±≥αΓδσφφ Ωεδⁿε≡≤.
Using large fonts may cause visual problems in applications not prepared for it.=┬ΦΩε≡Φ±≥αφφ ΓσδΦΩΦ⌡ °≡Φ⌠≥iΓ ∞εµσ ΓΦΩδΦΩα≥Φ ∩≡εßδσ∞Φ τ ┐⌡ ΓiΣεß≡αµσφφ ∞ ≤ ∩≡επ≡α∞α⌡, ∙ε Σδ ÷ⁿεπε φσ ≡ετ≡α⌡εΓαφ│.
At least 85 Hz vertical refresh rate is recommended for classic (CRT) displays.=╫α±≥ε≥α ≡σπσφσ≡α÷│┐ φσ φΦµ≈α τα 85 Hz ║ ≡σΩε∞σφΣεΓαφε■ Σδ Ωδα±Φ≈φΦ⌡ ΣΦ±∩δσ┐Γ.
Enable IP header compression to increase network speed.=┘εß ∩iΣΓΦ∙Φ≥Φ °ΓΦΣΩi±≥ⁿ ∩σ≡σΣα≈i ΣαφΦ⌡ ≤ ∞σ≡σµi, ≤Ωδ■≈│≥ⁿ ±≥Φ±Ω IP-ταπεδεΓΩ│Γ.
32-bit Rendering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=═σ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± 32-≡ετ≡ ΣφΦΘ ≡σφΣσ≡Φφπ. ┬iφ ∞εµσ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± Γ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπ≡α⌡.
Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games require it.=═σ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± Z-ß≤⌠σ≡. ┬iφ ∞εµσ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± Γ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπ≡α⌡.
32-bit Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=═σ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± 32-ßi≥φΦΘ Z-ß≤⌠σ≡. ┬iφ ∞εµσ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± Γ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπ≡α⌡.
Anisotropic Filtering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=═σ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± αφiτε≥≡ε∩φα ⌠iδⁿ≥≡α÷i . ┬εφα ∞εµσ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± Γ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπ≡α⌡.
Stencil Buffers is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=═σ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤■≥ⁿ± °αßδεφφΦΘ (Stencil) ß≤⌠σ≡. ┬│φ ∞εµσ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± Γ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπ≡α⌡.
Hardware Transform & Lighting is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=═σ ∩iΣ≥≡Φ∞≤■≥ⁿ± α∩α≡α≥φi ⌠≤φΩ÷i┐ ≥≡αφ±⌠ε≡∞≤Γαφφ i ΓΦ±Γi≥δσφφ . ┬εφΦ ∞εµ≤≥ⁿ τφαΣεßΦ≥Φ± Γ ±≤≈α±φΦ⌡ 3D-iπ≡α⌡.
// preferences
Long Pages=─εΓπi ±≥ε≡iφΩΦ
Security Grade=╩δα±Φ⌠iΩα÷i
New Item=═εΓΦΘ σδσ∞σφ≥
Modify Item=╟∞iφΦ≥Φ σδσ∞σφ≥
Report Look=┬Φπδ Σ τΓi≥≤
Database=┴ατα ΣαφΦ⌡
Content Filtering=╘│δⁿ≥≡α÷│ Γ∞│±≥≤
Remote Features=┬│ΣΣαδσφΦΘ Σε±≥≤∩
Custom Components=╩ε≡Φ±≥≤ΓαδⁿφΦ÷ⁿΩi Ωε∞∩εφσφ≥Φ
Asset Profile=╩εφ⌠│π≤≡α÷│ ∩≡ε⌠│δ■
Custom Programs=╧≡επ≡α∞Φ Ωε≡Φ±≥≤Γα≈α
File Scanner=╤Ωαφσ≡ ╘αΘδ≤
File Scanner Filter=╘│δⁿ≥≡ ±Ωαφσ≡≤ ⌠αΘδ│Γ
Display AIDA64 in the &Control Panel=╧εΩατα≥Φ AIDA64 ≤ &╧αφσδ│ Ωσ≡≤Γαφφ
Load AIDA64 at &Windows startup=╟αΓαφ≥αµ≤Γα≥Φ AIDA64 ∩≡Φ τα∩≤±Ω≤ &Windows
Display AIDA64 splash &screen at startup=╧εΩατ≤Γα≥Φ &τα±≥αΓΩ≤ ∩≡Φ τα∩≤±Ω≤ AIDA64
"Minimize" &button minimizes main window to System Tray=&╩φε∩Ωα "╟πε≡φ≤≥Φ" τπε≡φσ AIDA64 ≤ ╤Φ±≥σ∞φ≤ ≥≡σ■
"Close" b&utton minimizes main window to System Tray=╩&φε∩Ωα "╟αΩ≡Φ≥Φ" τπε≡φσ AIDA64 ≤ ╤Φ±≥σ∞φ≤ ≥≡σ■
&Hide main window (minimize to Taskbar)=╧≡Φ⌡εΓα≥Φ πεδεΓφσ Γ│Ωφε (τπε≡φ≤≥Φ Γ &╧αφσδⁿ ταΓΣαφⁿ)
H&ide main window (minimize to System Tray)=╧≡Φ⌡εΓα≥Φ πεδεΓφσ Γ│Ωφε (τπε≡φ≤≥Φ Γ &╤Φ±≥σ∞φ≤ ≥≡σ■)
&Full name:=&╧εΓφσ i∞' :
&E-mail address:=└Σ≡σ±α &e-mail:
Load kernel driver=╟αΓαφ≥αµσφφ Σ≡αΘΓσ≡α Σ≡α
Low-level MSR operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=═ΦτⁿΩε≡│ΓφσΓ│ ε∩σ≡α÷i┐ MSR (iφεΣi ∞εµδΦΓσ ταΓΦ±αφφ ±Φ±≥σ∞Φ)
Low-level PCI bus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=═ΦτⁿΩε≡│ΓφσΓ│ ε∩σ≡α÷i┐ °ΦφΦ PCI (iφεΣi ∞εµδΦΓσ ταΓΦ±αφφ ±Φ±≥σ∞Φ)
Low-level SMBus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=═ΦτⁿΩε≡│ΓφσΓ│ ε∩σ≡α÷i┐ SMBus (iφεΣi ∞εµδΦΓσ ταΓΦ±αφφ ±Φ±≥σ∞Φ)
Low-level sensor operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=═ΦτⁿΩε≡│ΓφσΓ│ ε∩σ≡α÷i┐ Σα≥≈ΦΩα (iφεΣi ∞εµδΦΓσ ταΓΦ±αφφ ±Φ±≥σ∞Φ)
Fan divisor reconfiguration (might conflict with MSI Core Cell and PC Alert)=╨σΩεφ⌠│π≤≡α÷│ ΣΦΓ│τε≡α Γσφ≥Φδ ≥ε≡α (∞εµδΦΓΦΘ Ωεφ⌠δ│Ω≥ τ MSI Core Cell ≥α PC Alert)
Low-level SMART operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=═ΦτⁿΩε≡│ΓφσΓ│ SMART-ε∩σ≡α÷│┐ (iφεΣi ∞εµδΦΓσ ταΓΦ±αφφ ±Φ±≥σ∞Φ)
***RAID SMART support=RAID SMART tamogatas
Measure CPU temperature using ACPI (may conflict with screen savers)=┬Φ∞│≡■Γα≥Φ ≥σ∞∩σ≡α≥≤≡Φ ╓╧, ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤■≈Φ ACPI (∞εµδΦΓΦΘ Ωεφ⌠δ│Ω≥ τ ±Ω≡│φ-±σΘΓσ≡α∞Φ)
nVIDIA GPU SMBus access through nVIDIA ForceWare=─ε±≥≤∩ Σε nVIDIA GPU SMBus ≈σ≡στ nVIDIA ForceWare
Change to 3D profile on nVIDIA video adapters=╟α±≥ε±≤Γα≥Φ 3D-∩≡ε⌠│δⁿ φα Γ│Σσε-αΣα∩≥ε≡α⌡ nVIDIA
Please wait until the benchmark is finished running=─ε≈σΩαΘ≥σ± ταΩiφ≈σφφ ≡εßε≥Φ ≥σ±≥≤
During this time your computer may seem to not be responding=╧≡ε≥ πε∞ ÷ⁿεπε ≈α±≤ ∞εµσ τΣαΓα≥Φ± , ∙ε ╧╩ 'ταΓΦ±'
Please do not move the mouse or press any keys=═σ ∩σ≡σ∞i∙αΘ≥σ ∞Φ°≤ i φσ ≥ε≡ΩαΘ≥σ±ⁿ ΩδαΓiα≥≤≡Φ
Please note that results obtained with different versions of AIDA64 cannot be compared.=┴≤Σⁿ δα±Ωα τα≤Γαµ≥σ, ∙ε ≡στ≤δⁿ≥α≥Φ ε≥≡Φ∞αφ│ ≡│τφΦ∞Φ Γσ≡±│ ∞Φ AIDA64 φσ ∞εµ≤≥ⁿ ∩ε≡│Γφ■Γα≥Φ± .
FinalWire constantly improves and optimizes benchmark routines and implements new technologies to provide you with the most accurate and highest benchmark scores.=FinalWire ∩ε±≥│Θφε ∩εΩ≡α∙≤║ ≥α ε∩≥Φ∞│τεΓ≤║ ≥σ±≥εΓ│ ∩≡επ≡α∞Φ │ Γ∩≡εΓαΣµ≤║ φεΓ│ ≥σ⌡φεδεπ│┐, ∙εß ταßσ±∩σ≈Φ≥Φ ┬α± φαΘ≥ε≈φ│°Φ∞ │ φαΘ Ω│±φ│°Φ∞ │φ±≥≡≤∞σφ≥α≡│║∞.
Are you sure you want to uninstall=┬Φ ±∩≡αΓΣ│ ßαµα║≥σ Σσ│φ±≥αδ■Γα≥Φ
Press Refresh button to start the benchmark=┘εß ≡ετ∩ε≈α≥Φ ≥σ±≥ φα≥Φ±φ│≥ⁿ Ωφε∩Ω≤ ╬φεΓΦ≥Φ!
Database parameters are not configured yet=╧α≡α∞σ≥≡Φ ┴ατΦ ΣαφΦ⌡ Γ±σ-≥αΩΦ φσ ±Ωεφ⌠│π≤≡εΓαφ│
Go to: File menu / Preferences / Database=╔≥Φ: ╘αΘδ / ═α±≥≡ε■Γαφφ / ┴ατα ΣαφΦ⌡
Are you sure you want to remove all computers from audit?=┬Φ ≤∩σΓφσφ│, ∙ε ┬Φ ⌡ε≈σ≥σ ΓΦΣαδΦ≥Φ Γ±│ Ωε∞∩'■≥σ≡Φ τ α≤ΣΦ≥≤?
CPU Speed=╪ΓΦΣΩ│±≥ⁿ ╓╧
CPU Multiplier=╠φεµφΦΩ ╓╧
Min / Max CPU Multiplier=╠│φ. / ╠αΩ±. ∞φεµφΦΩ ╓╧
CPU Cache=╩σ° ╓╧
SPD Memory Modules=╠εΣ≤δ│ ∩α∞' ≥│ SPD
Memory Bus=╪Φφα ∩α∞' ≥│
Memory Clock=╫α±≥ε≥α ∩α∞' ≥│
DRAM:FSB Ratio=╤∩│ΓΓ│Σφε°σφφ DRAM:FSB
Connecting to FTP server=╟'║Σφαφφ │τ FTP-±σ≡Γσ≡ε∞
Clear List=╫Φ±≥ΦΘ ±∩Φ±εΩ
Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer cookie list?=┬Φ ≤∩σΓφσφ│, ∙ε ┬Φ ⌡ε≈σ≥σ ε≈Φ±≥Φ≥Φ ±∩Φ±εΩ cookie ▓nternet Explorer?
Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer browser history?=┬Φ ≤∩σΓφσφ│, ∙ε ┬Φ ⌡ε≈σ≥σ ε≈Φ±≥Φ≥Φ │±≥ε≡│■ ß≡ε≤τσ≡α ▓nternet Explorer?
Memory Timings=╥αΘ∞│φπ ∩α∞' ≥│
North Bridge Properties=┬δα±≥ΦΓε±≥│ ∩│Γφ│≈φεπε ∞ε±≥α
North Bridge=╧│Γφ│≈φΦΘ ∞│±≥
South Bridge Properties=┬δα±≥ΦΓε±≥│ ∩│ΓΣσφφεπε ∞ε±≥α
South Bridge=╧│ΓΣσφφΦΘ ∞│±≥
FinalWire does not provide official support for this freeware product=FinalWire φσ ταßσ±∩σ≈≤║ ε⌠│÷│Θφ≤ ∩│Σ≥≡Φ∞Ω≤ Σδ ÷ⁿεπε ßστΩε°≥εΓφεπε ∩≡επ≡α∞φεπε ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥≤!
AMD Brand ID=▓Σσφ≥Φ⌠│Ωα≥ε≡ ∞α≡ΩΦ AMD
64-bit x86 Extension=64-ß│≥φσ x86-≡ετ°Φ≡σφφ
Hardware Random Number Generator=├σφσ≡α≥ε≡ ΓΦ∩αΣΩεΓΦ⌡ φεΦσ≡│Γ α∩α≡α≥φΦ⌡ τα±εß│Γ
Processor Serial Number=╤σ≡│ΘφΦΘ φε∞σ≡ ∩≡ε÷σ±ε≡α
Temperature Sensing Diode=≥σ∞∩σ≡α≥≤≡φα ≈≤≥δΦΓ│±≥ⁿ Σ│εΣ≤
Server port:=╧ε≡≥ ±σ≡Γσ≡α:
A&uthorize Change=&└Γ≥ε≡Φτα÷│ τ∞│φΦ
SMART Hard Disks Status=SMART ±≥α≥≤± µε≡±≥Ωεπε ΣΦ±Ω≤
Utilized Link Width In / Out=┬ΦΩε≡ΦΦ±≥αφα °Φ≡Φφα τΓ' τΩ≤ ▓/╬
Min Link Frequency=╠│φ. ≈α±≥ε≥α τΓ' τΩ≤
Max Link Frequency=MaΩ±. ≈α±≥ε≥α τΓ' τΩ≤
Current Link Frequency=╧ε≥ε±φα ≈α±≥ε≥α τΓ' τΩ≤
Primary / Secondary Bus Number=╧σ≡ΓΦφφα / ┬≥ε≡Φφφα °Φφα
QPI Clock=╫α±≥ε≥α QPI
QPI Version=┬σ≡±│ QPI
You specified a command-line option that is unavailable in the NR (No Remote) edition of %s you are currently running=┬Φ ΓΦτφα≈ΦδΦ ε∩÷│■ Ωε∞αφΣφεπε ≡ ΣΩα, ∙ε ║ φσΣε±≥≤∩φε■ Γ NR (No Remote) ΓΦ∩≤±Ω≤ %s, │ Ωα τα≡ατ τα∩≤∙σφα ┬α∞Φ.
To use one or more of the following command-line options, please use the non-NR edition of %s=┘εß ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤Γα≥Φ εΣφ≤ ≈Φ ß│δⁿ°σ τ φα±≥≤∩φΦ⌡ ε∩÷│Θ Ωε∞αφΣφεπε ≡ ΣΩα, ß≤Σⁿ-δα±Ωα, ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤Θ≥σ φσ-NR ΓΦ∩≤±Ω %s.
File Properties=┬δα±≥ΦΓε±≥│ ⌠αΘδ≤
File properties logged by the File Scanner:=┬δα±≥ΦΓε±≥│ ⌠αΘδ≤ ΓΦ Γδσφ│ ╤Ωαφσ≡ε∞ ⌠αΘδ≤:
Active Mode=└Ω≥ΦΓφΦΘ ≡σµΦ∞
AIDA64 Home Edition is intended to be used only in home environment.=AIDA64 Home Edition ∩≡Φτφα≈σφΦΘ δΦ°σ Σδ ≡εßε≥Φ ≤ Σε∞α°φ│⌡ ≤∞εΓα⌡.
This computer is a member of a network domain (%s), which is not supported by AIDA64 Home Edition.=╓σΘ Ωε∞∩`■≥σ≡ φαδσµΦ≥ⁿ Σε ∞σ≡σµσΓεπε Σε∞σφ≤ (%s), ΩΦΘ φσ ∩│Σ≥≡Φ∞≤║≥ⁿ± Γ AIDA64 Home Edition.
Please use AIDA64 Corporate Edition instead of Home Edition in a corporate environment.=┴≤Σⁿ δα±Ωα, ≤ Ωε≡∩ε≡α≥ΦΓφε∞≤ ε≥ε≈σφφ│ ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤Θ≥σ AIDA64 Corporate Edition τα∞│±≥ⁿ Home Edition.
This page is outdated! Press 'Refresh' button to update it=╓ ±≥ε≡│φΩα τα±≥α≡│δα! ═α≥Φ±φ│≥ⁿ Ωφε∩Ω≤ '╬φεΓΦ≥Φ'!
// alerting
AIDA64 Alert=AIDA64 ∩ε∩σ≡σΣµσφφ
&Alerting:=&╧ε∩σ≡σΣµσφφ :
Alert Methods=╠σ≥εΣΦ ∩ε∩σ≡σΣµσφφ
Alert Trigger=╥≡Φπσ≡ ∩ε∩σ≡σΣµσφφ
Alert Triggers=╥≡Φπσ≡Φ ∩ε∩σ≡σΣµσφφ
Alert Item=┼δφσ∞σφ≥
Alert Description=╬∩Φ± ∩ε∩σ≡σΣµσφφ
&Enable alerting=&╙Γ│∞Ωφ≤≥Φ ∩ε∩σ≡σΣµσφ
&Play sound:=&┬│Σ≥Γε≡Φ≥Φ τΓ≤Ω:
Select sound file=╬ß≡α≥Φ τΓ≤ΩεΓΦΘ ⌠αΘδ
&Run program:=&╟α∩≤±≥Φ≥Φ ∩≡επ≡α∞≤:
Select program=╬ß≡α≥Φ ∩≡επ≡α∞≤
&Number of minutes between checking for alerts:=&╩│δⁿΩ│±≥ⁿ ⌡ΓΦδΦφ ∞│µ ∩σ≡σΓ│≡Ωε■ ∩ε∩σ≡σΣµσφⁿ:
N&umber of hours between sending repetitive alerts:=╩&│δⁿΩ│±≥ⁿ πεΣΦφ ∩σ≡σΣ ∩ε±Φδαφφ ∞ ∩εΓ≥ε≡φεπε ∩ε∩σ≡σΣµσφφ :
Store system configuration details in:=╟ßσ≡σπ≥Φ ΣΣαφ│ ∩≡ε Ωεφ⌠│π≤≡α÷│■ ±Φ±≥σ∞Φ ≤:
TEMP folder of the logged-on user=╧α∩Ωα ╥EMP αΓ≥ε≡ΦτεΓαφεπε Ωε≡Φ±≥≤Γα≈α
Root folder of the system drive=╩ε≡σφσΓα ∩α∩Ωα ±Φ±≥σ∞φεπε ΣΦ±Ωα
Display an alert &window=╧εΩατ &Γ│Ωφα ∩ε∩σ≡σΣµσφφ
&Shut down the computer=&┬Φ∞Ωφ≤≥Φ∞ Ωε∞∩'■≥σ≡
Send an &e-mail to:=═αΣ│±δα≥Φ &E-mail φα:
Send an entry to a log &server:=═αΣ│±δα≥Φ τατφα≈σφσ φα &±σ≡Γσ≡ τΓ│≥│Γ:
Send a Windows &message to:=═αΣ│±δα≥Φ ∩εΓ│Σε∞δσφφ Win&dows φα:
Write to a &TXT log file:=╟α∩Φ±α≥Φ τΓ│≥ ≤ &TXT-⌠αΘδ:
Write to a &HTML log file:=╟α∩Φ±α≥Φ τΓ│≥ ≤ &HTML-⌠αΘδ:
Note: Don't forget to configure e-mail sending options on the E-mail page!=═ε≥α≥Ωα: ═σ ταß≤Σⁿ≥σ φαδα°≥≤Γα≥Φ φα ±≥ε≡│φ÷│ 'E-mail' ε∩÷│┐ Γ│Σ±Φδαφφ e-mail!
Select Log File=┬Φß≡α≥Φ ⌠αΘδ τΓ│≥≤
Trigger Description=╬∩Φ± ≥≡Φπσ≡α
Alert when:=╧ε∩σ≡σΣµσφφ , ∙ε:
Value is &below:=τφα≈σφφ &φΦµ≈σ φ│µ:
Value is &above:=τφα≈σφφ &ΓΦ∙σ φ│µ:
When virus database is older than=╩εδΦ Γ│≡≤±φα ßατα ±≥α≡│°α, φ│µ
When system drive free space is below=╩εδΦ Γ│δⁿφεπε ∞│±÷ φα ±Φ±.ΣΦ±Ω≤ ∞σφ°φσ, φ│µ
When any local drive free space is below=╩εδΦ φα ß≤Σⁿ Ωε∞≤ ΣΦ±Ω≤ Γ│δⁿφεπε ∞│±÷ ∞σφ°σ φ│µ
Ign&ore all inputs (view only)=&▓πφε≡≤Γα≥Φ ≤±│ τ∞│φΦ (δΦ°σ ∩σ≡σπδ Σ)
No dithering=┴στ ∩σ≡σΣα≈│ φα∩│Γ≥εφ│Γ
8-bit (256 colors)=8 ß│≥ (256 Ωεδⁿε≡│Γ)
16-bit (HiColor)=16 ß│≥ (HiColor)
24-bit (TrueColor)=24 ß│≥α (TrueColor)
32-bit (TrueColor)=32 ß│≥α (TrueColor)
Leave unchanged=╟αδΦ°Φ≥Φ ßστ τ∞│φ
Disable during connection=┬Φ∞Ωφ≤≥Φ ∩≡Φ τ`║Σφαφφ│
Remove during connection=┬ΦΣαδΦ≥Φ ∩≡Φ τ`║Σφαφφ│
Use dithering to save network bandwidth=┬ΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤Γα≥Φ φα∩│Γ≥εφΦ, ∙εß ταε∙αΣµ≤Γα≥Φ ≡σ±≤≡±Φ ∞σ≡σµ│
Disable UI effects to improve remote control performance and responsiveness=┬Φ∞Ωφ≤≥Φ σ⌠σΩ≥Φ │φ≥σ≡⌠σΘ±≤, ∙εß ∩εΩ≡α∙Φ≥Φ ≈≤≥δΦΓ│±≥ⁿ │ ≡εßε≥≤ ΣΦ±≥αφ÷│Θφεπε Ωσ≡≤Γαφφ
Remove desktop wallpaper to improve remote control performance and save network bandwith=┬ΦΣαδΦ≥Φ °∩αδσ≡Φ ≡εßε≈επε ±≥εδ≤, ∙εß ∩εΩ≡α∙Φ≥Φ ≡εßε≥≤ ΣΦ±≥αφ÷│Θφεπε Ωσ≡≤Γαφφ │ ταε∙αΣµ≤Γα≥Φ ≡σ±≤≡±Φ ∞σ≡σµ│
Use a lower desktop resolution to improve remote control performance and save network bandwith=┬ΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤Γα≥Φ ß│δⁿ° φΦτⁿΩ≤ ≡ετΣ│δⁿφ≤ τΣα≥φ│±≥ⁿ, ∙εß ∩εΩ≡α∙Φ≥Φ ≡εßε≥≤ ΣΦ±≥αφ÷│Θφεπε Ωσ≡≤Γαφφ │ ταε∙αΣµ≤Γα≥Φ ≡σ±≤≡±Φ ∞σ≡σµ│
Use a lower desktop color depth to improve remote control performance and save network bandwith=┬ΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤Γα≥Φ ß│δⁿ° φΦτⁿΩ≤ πδΦßΦφ≤ Ωεδⁿε≡≤, ∙εß ∩εΩ≡α∙Φ≥Φ ≡εßε≥≤ ΣΦ±≥αφ÷│Θφεπε Ωσ≡≤Γαφφ │ ταε∙αΣµ≤Γα≥Φ ≡σ±≤≡±Φ ∞σ≡σµ│
// Benchmark results save & compare
%d results=%d ≡στ≤δⁿ≥α≥Φ
Benchmark Result=╨στ≤δⁿ≥α≥ σ≥αδεφφεπε ≥σ±≥≤
Please enter benchmark result description:=┴≤Σⁿ δα±Ωα, ΓΓσΣ│≥ⁿ ε∩Φ± ≡στ≤δⁿ≥α≥≤ σ≥αδεφφεπε ≥σ±≥≤:
Show &Reference Results=╧εΩατα≥Φ &╨σΩε∞σφΣα÷│Θφ│ ≡στ≤δⁿ≥α≥Φ
Show &User Results=╧εΩατα≥Φ ╨στ≤δⁿ≥α≥Φ &Ωε≡Φ±≥≤Γα≈α
&Add Result to User List=&─εΣα≥Φ ╨στ≤δⁿ≥α≥ Σε ±∩Φ±Ω≤
Manage User Results=╙∩ε≡ ΣΩ≤Γα≥Φ ╨στ≤δⁿ≥α≥Φ Ωε≡Φ±≥≤Γα≈α
&Manage User Results=&╙∩ε≡ ΣΩ≤Γα≥Φ ╨στ≤δⁿ≥α≥Φ Ωε≡Φ±≥≤Γα≈α
Please enter your product key:=┴≤Σⁿ δα±Ωα, ΓΓσΣ│≥ⁿ Γα° Ωδ■≈:
License is valid=╦│÷σφτ│ Σ│Θ±φα
License is expired=╦│÷σφτ│ ταΩ│φ≈Φδα±
License is not valid for this version of %s=╦│÷σφτ│ φσ ∩│Σ⌡εΣΦ≥ⁿ Σδ Γσ≡±│┐ %s
// license dialogs
FinalWire Website=┬σß-±≥ε≡│φΩα FinalWire
AIDA64 Website=┬σß-±≥ε≡│φΩα AIDA64
Product Website=┬σß-±≥ε≡│φΩα ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥≤
Online Documentation=─εΩ≤∞σφ≥α÷│ εφ-δαΘφ
Please check the program's online documentation for details.=─δ ≤≥ε≈φσφφ Σσ≥αδσΘ τΓσ≡≥αΘ≥σ± Σε εφ-δαΘφ ΣεΩ≤∞σφ≥α÷│┐.
This program is not free. It is an evaluation of copyrighted software.=╓ ∩≡επ≡α∞α φσ ßστΩε°≥εΓφα. ┬±≥αφεΓδσφε ΓΦ∩≡εßεΓ≤ΓαδⁿφΦΘ ∩σ≡│εΣ.
If you use it beyond the %d-days evaluation period, you are expected to register it with the author.=▀Ω∙ε ┬Φ ΓΦΩε≡Φ±≥εΓ≤║≥σ ∩≡επ≡α∞≤ ∩≡ε≥ πε∞ %d Σφ│Γ ΓΦ∩≡εßεΓ≤Γαδⁿφεπε ∩σ≡│εΣ≤, ┬Φ τεßεΓ' ταφ│ τα≡σ║±≥≡≤Γα≥Φ ┐┐.
You have %d days left of your trial period.=╧≡εΘ°δε %d Σφ│Γ ΓΦ∩≡εßεΓ≤Γαδⁿφεπε ∩σ≡│εΣ≤.
Your evaluation period is over.=┬Φ∩≡εßεΓ≤ΓαδⁿφΦΘ ∩σ≡│εΣ ταΩ│φ≈ΦΓ± .
If you believe this message is an error, please contact FinalWire Licensing Department at the following e-mail address:=▀Ω∙ε ΓΦ ΓΓαµα║≥σ ÷σ ∩εΓ│Σε∞δσφφ ∩ε∞ΦδΩεΓΦ∞, τΓσ≡φ│≥ⁿ± Σε FinalWire Licensing Department τα φα±≥≤∩φε■ αΣ≡σ±ε■ e-mail:
If it is not the case, please consider to register the product with the author, or simply remove it from your computer.=▀Ω∙ε ÷σ φσ ≥αΩ, ∩≡ε⌡αφφ ≡ετπδ φ≤≥Φ ∞εµδΦΓ│±≥ⁿ τα≡σ║±≥≡≤Γα≥Φ ∩≡εΣ≤Ω≥ ≤ αΓ≥ε≡α, αßε ∩≡ε±≥ε ΓΦΣαδΦ≥Φ Θεπε τ Γα°επε Ωε∞∩'■≥σ≡α.
Your registration is corrupted. Please enter your product key again.=═σΓΣαδα ≡σ║±≥≡α÷│ . ╙ΓσΣ│≥ⁿ ┬α° Ωδ■≈ ∩εΓ≥ε≡φε.
You can find your product key in your license e-mail.=┬Φ τφαΘΣσ≥σ Γα° Ωδ■≈ ≤ e-mail.
For support, please contact FinalWire Licensing Department at the following e-mail address:=─δ ε≥≡Φ∞αφφφ ≥σ⌡φ│≈φε┐ ∩│Σ≥≡Φ∞ΩΦΩεφ≥αΩ≥≤Θ≥σ τ FinalWire Licensing Department τα φα±≥≤∩φε■ e-mail αΣ≡σ±ε■:
Your license will expire in %d days.=╦│÷σφτ│ ταΩ│φ≈Φ≥ⁿ± ≈σ≡στ %d Σφ│Γ.
Your license is expired.=┬α°α δ│÷σφτ│ ταΩ│φ≈Φδα± .
To extend your license, please check the program's online documentation.=─δ ≡ετ°Φ≡σφφ ┬α°ε┐ δ│÷σφτ│┐, τΓσ≡≥αΘ≥σ± Σε εφ-δαΘφ ΣεΩ≤∞σφ≥α÷│┐.
Your license is not valid for this version of %s.=┬α° Ωδ■≈ φσ ∩│Σ⌡εΣΦ≥ⁿ Σδ Γσ≡±│┐ %s.
For license details, please check your license e-mail.=─δ ≤≥ε≈φσφφ Σσ≥αδσΘ δ│÷σφτ│┐, ∩σ≡σΓ│≡≥σ ┬α° e-mail τ Ωδ■≈σ∞.
Wait %d sec...=╫σΩα≥Φ: %d ±σΩ....
// Translate this one as "power", and NOT as "actual"
// Important: The # character has to be the first character at both sides!
// Translate this one as "power", and NOT as "actual"
Current Values=╧ε≥ε≈φσ τφα≈σφφ
// Translate this one as "Power Consumption"
// Important: The # character has to be the first character at both sides!
// Translate this one as "Power Consumption Values"